The Adjudication of the Bright and Morning Star versus Lucifer and The Tribulation of Urantia / Earth

The adjudication of the Bright and Morning Star versus Lucifer actually began around 1904-1905, when the Fifth Epochal Revelation (The URANTIA Book) began to come to a human vessel in Chicago. The upstepping was intensified, at its beginning fullness, in 1911. It is the 1911 date that is actually used for the beginning of the adjudication.

Then a tremendous upstepping in 1989 occurred, with the Continuing Fifth Epochal Revelation (The Cosmic Family volumes) coming through the vessel Van of Urantia and many world events-both good and bad-happening on Urantia/Earth. With the intensification of 1911, came the worldwide Spanish flu, which killed more than 75 million people in 1918-1919. Please see complete list below, at the very bottom of this document.



  • Tens of thousands of Chinese students take over Beijing’s Tiananmen Square rallying for democracy. Thousands are killed.
  • Deng Xiaoping resigns from China’s leadership
  • Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe
  • The fall of the Berlin wall on November 9th
  • Mikhail S. Gorbachev named president of the Soviet Union. His more powerful presidency brought rise to the end of Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. His introduction of policies whose guiding principles glasnost [openness] and perestroika [restructuring] were intended to liberalize and revitalize Soviet socialism and society, led to the dissolution of the Soviet Union.
  • The Czech parliament ends Communist’s dominant role in the “Velvet Revolution”
  • Free elections in Poland bring Solidarity to power
  • Romanian uprising overthrows Communist government; President Ceausescu and wife are executed.
  • South African Prime Minister F.W. de Klerk starts to dismantle apartheid after decades of unrest and international condemnation
  • US troops invade Panama, seeking capture of General Manuel Noriega
  • Civil war in Lebanon increases between Christian and Islamic Fundamentalists
  • Tokyo Stock Market Crash ends Japan’s long period of high economic growth
  • The US Government provides a $150 billion bail out for hundreds of saving and loan associations
  • US jury convicts Oliver North in the Iran-Contra affair


  • Dalai Lama wins Nobel Peace Prize
  • Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini declares author Salman Rushdie’s book The Satanic Verses offensive and issues a fatwa ordering Rushdie’s death
  • The term virtual reality is coined and equipment produced to experience it
  • First World Wide Web server and browser developed
  • Voyager 2 spacecraft makes its closest approach to Neptune, providing definitive proof of the planet’s rings
  • The cold fusion process is announced at the University of Utah
  • Hepatitis C virus is first identified
  • First flight of the “Stealth Bomber” aircraft developed for the US Air Force
  • Galileo Spacecraft is launched by NASA


  • Ruptured tanker Exxon Valdez sends 11 million gallons of crude oil into Alaska’s Prince William Sound
  • A San Francisco Bay area earthquake measuring 7.1 in magnitude killed 67 and injured over 3,000. More than 100,000 buildings damaged or destroyed.
  • One of the deadliest tornadoes in modern times strikes Bangladesh killing as many as 1,300
  • Hurricane Hugo caused widespread damage and loss of life in the Leeward Islands, Puerto Rico, and the Southeast US
  • When the magnetic north pole was first identified in 1831, it remained fairly stable for decades. Then, beginning in 1904, scientists began to observe a northeastern shift of about nine miles a year. Since 1989, the drift of the magnetic north pole has accelerated to about 35 miles a year in the direction of Siberia.


Paladin, the finaliter, fused with Gabriel of Prescott (now Van of Urantia) and is the main celestial contact since 1987, as well as the Primary Midwayers Gabron and Niánn, who gave the human Niánn her name through the audio fusion process, with the then Gabriel of Prescott.

1988 Global Community Communications Alliance founded.

  • 1989 April: Gabriel, The Bright and Morning Star-head administrator of our local universe of Nebadon and the first-born son of Jesus Christ Michael and the Universe Mother Spirit-fused for the first time completely with Gabriel of Prescott in Prescott, Arizona.


Gabriel of Prescott, April 1989
Gabriel, The Bright and Morning Star, the very next day fused with Gabriel of Prescott

It should be obvious that it's a different soul in the body.

  • Gabriel of Prescott was told several of his past lives and told to write an autobiography of his life, now called The Divine New Order and the Dawn of the First Stage of Light and Life.
  • Van and Niánn were told they would be moving to Sedona, Arizona, where he would become Gabriel of Sedona and they would stay for the next 20 years, and to gather the first Destiny Reservists.

This celestial visitation by the Bright and Morning Star began the upstepping of the adjudication (that started in 1911) of the Bright and Morning Star versus Lucifer, and accelerated time and took away angelic protection, thereby simultaneously allowing an increase in delusion and distortion frequencies on the earth, particularly in major metropolitan areas.

1989 December: Gabriel of Prescott fused with Machiventa Melchizedek and the announcement of Machiventa Melchizedek’s divine appointment as Planetary Prince of Urantia (Earth). This celestial contact later resulted in a series of letters by Machiventa Melchizedek that were sent to chosen Destiny Reservists around the world, which led to their coming to Divine Administration in Sedona, Arizona, after Van and Niánn moved there in 1990.

On 12/12/06 (significant because our main community phone number ended in 1206), Divine Administration and its members were told by Celestial Overcontrol to move to Rio Rico, Arizona, and in Spring 2007 the move of 100 people began. In early 2009 Gabriel of Sedona and Niánn Emerson Chase were the last to leave Sedona and Gabriel became Van of Urantia. All celestial beings also are located now in Rio Rico, Arizona at the First Planetary Sacred Home.

On March 22, 2015 the Bright and Morning Star gave a message to be put on the Internet of yet another upstepping of the adjudication of the Bright and Morning Star versus Lucifer, which will result in the upstepping of earth changes and world events.


March 22, 2015

The Continuing Fifth Epochal Revelation is the continuation of the Urantia Papers. I pray that those Urantia Book readers who fight so diligently to misrepresent Van of Urantia realize who he is, that he is the Van of The URANTIA Book, that he is TaliasVan of Tora, of Avalon, and that they will become just as strong an advocate of him and Divine Administration as they have been enemies, for time is short on Urantia, and the Continuing Fifth Epochal Revelation must reach over 500 million starseed, many of them in the Urantia movement, who will never know where they came from and who they were or find their calling as a Cosmic Destiny Reservist. New and old souls alike must find The Urantia Book to redirect their lives to higher purpose, because in a very short time now an upstepping of the adjudication of the Bright and Morning Star versus Lucifer will occur that will increase the tribulation.

Individuals must hear from Christ Michael in this upstepping as to the possibility of moving their family to safety areas. As it says in the Book of Revelation, only those with love in their hearts will hear what the Spirit of God is saying in the days prior to the coming of Christ Michael back to the earth. Many are needed to help in the planetary Divine Administration upon the return of Christ Michael, and you cannot do that if you go through the death experience.

It is not time to vacation, it is time for spiritual vocation.

— The Bright and Morning Star of Salvington

Three days later, on March 25, 2015, a tornado hit Oklahoma, basically destroying many homes and businesses and killing two. Interesting to note also that Oklahoma now has more earthquakes than California. This is due to the greed of fracking in search of oil and natural gases.

Major Weather Catastrophes and Pandemics
(Fatalities more than 50,000) 1911-2012

1911 - 1988

Date Location Type of Disaster No. of Deaths
1911 China Flooding 100,000
1912 China Typhoon 50,000
1920 Gansu province, China Earthquake 234,117
1921-22 USSR Famine 5,000,000
1922 China, Philippines Typhoon 100,000
1900-23 Europe, Asia, Africa Cholera Pandemic 800,000
1918-19 Worldwide Flu Pandemic 75,000,000
1923 Tokyo, Yokohama Earthquake 140,000
1927 Xining, China Earthquake 200,000
1928-30 China Famine 3,000,000
1931 China Floods 4,000,000
1932 Gansu, China Earthquake 70,000
1935 China Flooding 145,000
1935 Pakistan Earthquake 30,000-60,000
1936 China Famine 5,000,000
1938 China (blew up dikes-war) Flooding 500,000
1941 China Drought 3,000,000
1943 Bengal Famine 3,000,000
1948 Ashgabat, Turkmenistan Earthquake 110,000
1957-58 Worldwide Asian flu 2,000,000
1958-61 China Famine 20,000,000-30,000,000
1965-67 India Drought 1,500,000
1968-69 Worldwide Hong Kong flu 1,000,000
1970 Peru Earthquake 66,000
1970 Bangladesh Cyclone 500,000
1970 Pakistan Cyclone 500,000
1971 Hanoi, Viet Nam Flooding 100,000
1975 Yangtze River, China Typhoon 231,000
1976 Tangshan, China Earthquake 255,000-779,000
1981 Mozambique Drought 100,000
1981-2012 Worldwide HIV/AIDS pandemic 25,000,000
1983 Ethiopia Drought 300,000
1983 Sudan Drought 150,000
1984-85 Ethiopia Drought/famine 1,000,000

1989 - 2012

Date Location Type of Disaster No. of Deaths
1990 Northwest Iran Earthquake 51,916
1991 Southeast Bangladesh Cyclone 139,434
1995-98 North Korea Famine 1,200,000
2003 Europe Heat wave 35,000-70,000
2004 Sumatra, Indonesia Earthquake/Tsunami 230,210-310,000
2005 Pakistan Earthquake 82,364
2008 Sichuan, China Earthquake 88,011
2008 Burma Cyclone 100,000
2008 Myanmar Cyclone 136,366
2010 Haiti Earthquake 320,129
2010 Russia Heat wave 55,854

Major Weather Catastrophes and Pandemics
(5,000 to 50,000 fatalities) 1911-2012

(significant/destructive storms noted with lesser fatalities since 1989)


Date Location Type of Disaster No. of Deaths
1915 Avezzano, Italy Earthquake 32,610
1919 Indonesia Volcano 5,110
1925 China Earthquake 5,800
1927 China Earthquake 40,900
1930 Dominican Republic Hurricane 8,000
1931 China Earthquake 10,000
1933 China Earthquake 9,300
1934 India-Nepal Earthquake 10,700
1935 Pakistan Earthquake 30,000
1939 Chile Earthquake 28,000
1939 Turkey Earthquake 32,700
1944 Argentina Earthquake 8,000
1949 USSR Earthquake 28,000
1949 Ecuador Earthquake 5,050
1960 Morocco Earthquake 15,000
1962 Iran Earthquake 12,225
1963 Caribbean Hurricane (Flora) 8,000
1968 Iran Earthquake 12,000
1970 China Earthquake 10,000
1970 Peru Earthquake 70,000
1972 Iran Earthquake 5,054
1972 Nicaragua Earthquake 5,000
1974 India Smallpox 15,000
1974 Central America Hurricane (Fifi) 10,000
1974 China Earthquake 20,000
1974 Pakistan Earthquake 5,300
1976 Guatemala Earthquake 23,000
1976 Philippines Earthquake 8,000
1976 Turkey-Iran Earthquake 5,000
1978 Iran Earthquake 15,000
1980 Algeria Earthquake 5,000
1980 Mt. St. Helens Volcano 57
1985 Mexico City Earthquake 9,500
1985 Ruiz, Colombia Volcano 25,000
1988 Armenia Earthquake 25,000

1989 - 2012

Date Location Type of Disaster No. of Deaths
9/1989 Carolinas (100,000 affected) Hurricane (Hugo) 107
10/1989 San Francisco Earthquake 65
1990 Iran Earthquake 50,000
1992 Florida, Gulf Coast (spawned 28 tornados) Hurricane Andrew 65
1993 India Earthquake 9,748
1994 L.A. (San Fernando Valley) Earthquake (Northridge) 72
1995 Japan Earthquake 5,502
1997 Arkansas-Kentucky 39 tornados 27
1998 Central America, Caribbean Hurricane (Mitch) 21,000
1998 China (15 million affected) Floods 3,704
1999 Turkey Earthquake 17,118
2001 India Earthquake 12,000
2003 Bam, Iran Earthquake 31,000
2004 Caribbean, Florida Hurricane (Jeanne) 3,037
2005 Louisiana + coast Hurricane (Katrina) 1,836
2005 Louisiana-Texas (3 mil. evacuated) Hurricane (Rita) 125
2006 Indonesia Earthquake 5,749
2007 Africa-(1 mil. affected) Floods 250
2007 U.S.A. 1,093 Tornados 81
2008 U.S.A. 1,691 Tornados 125
2009 U.S.A. 1,156 Tornados 21
2009-10 Worldwide 2009 flu pandemic 14,286
2010 U.S.A. 1,266 Tornados 45
2010 Pakistan (13 million affected) Floods 3,000
2010 Colombia (1.3 million affected) Floods 138
2010 Chile-(shifted earth's axis) Earthquake (8.8) 497
2011 China (4.8 million affected) Flood 54
2011 Van, Turkey Earthquake (7.2) 604
2011 U.S.A. 1,897 Tornados 553
2011 Japan (Fukushima) Earthquake(9.0)/Tsunami 20,896
2011 Brazil (7 cities) Mudslides and floods 900
2011 Christ Church, N. Zealand Earthquake 385
2011 Bahamas, east coast of U.S. Hurricane (Irene) 56
2012 U.S.A. 885 Tornados (as of 9/9) 68

Major Weather Catastrophes and Pandemics
2013 - 2015

(Stats have been strangely difficult to find on the number of people killed in these recent events, so a 'Population Affected' number has been provided)

Weather Catastrophes and Pandemics 2013

Date Location Type of Disaster No. of Deaths Population Affected
4/2013 China Earthquakes 10,000 2.2 million
5/2013 United States Tornado outbreaks 53 300,000
6/2013 Canada Flood 5 100,000
6/2013 India Floods & landslides 6,054 100,000
7/2013 Thailand Flood 61 3.5 million
7/2013 China Flood 250 6 million affected
8/2013 United Kingdom & Europe Heatwave 3000 10 countries
8/2013 Philippines Flood & landslides 1200 3.1 million
8/2013 China Drought no stats* 5.95 million
8/2013 China Cyclone Utor 11 109 million
2013 East Africa Drought no stats 13 million
9/2013 Pakistan 2 Earthquakes 1000 200,000
9/2013 Mexico Hurricanes Manuel & Ingrid 146 200,000
9/2013 Philippines Typhoon Usagi 35 50,000
10/2013 China Cyclone Fitow 12 1.24 million
10/2013 India Cyclone Phailin 50 13.2 million (1 million evacuated)
10/2013 Philippines Earthquake (7.2) 222 3.2 million
10/2013 Europe Windstorm 18 500,000+
11/2013 Philippines Cyclone Haiyan 7,350 16.1 million
12/2013 Namibia, Africa Drought no stats 780,000
12/2013 Brazil Flood 44 300,000
2013 Worldwide HIV no stats 36 million (3.2 million children)
*”No stats” means no statistics available

Weather Catastrophes and Pandemics 2014

Date Location Type of Disaster No. of Deaths Population Affected
1/2014 Europe Cyclone Anne & Christina 4 500,000
1/2014 Philippines Floods 79 260,000
1/2014 Indonesia Floods 68 900,000
1/2014 Africa Floods 77 300,000
4/2014 United States 84 Tornadoes over 4 days 35 7 states
4/2014 Chile Earthquake (8.2) + tsunami 525 100,000
5/2014 Afghanistan Floods & landslides 675 120,000
5/2014 Bosnia-Herzegovina Floods 25 3.8 million
7/2014 China, Vietnam, Philippines Typhoon Rammasun 195 500,000
8/2014 China Earthquake 731 250,000
9/2014 Nepal Floods, landslides 241 60,000
9/2014 India Floods 460 400,000
9/2014 Pakistan Floods 557 1.1 million
11/2014 North America Bering Sea Cyclone no stats 200 million
12/2014 North American storm complex blackouts, mudslides, tornadoes 14 48 states
12/2014 Brazil Flood no stats 100s of thousands
12/2014 Philippines Typhoon Hagupit no stats 4.2 million
2014 Brazil Drought 44 20 million
2014 West Africa Ebola epidemic 20,000 5 countries
2014 United States 663 Tornadoes 47 Multi-millions

January to April 15, 2015

Date Location Type of Disaster No. of Deaths Population Affected
1/2015 United States Artic cold blasts/record low temperatures no stats Multi-millions
1/2015 Southeast Asia Floods 75 1.5 million
1/2015 Malaysia Floods 21 200,000
1/2015 Southeast Africa Floods 225 400,000
1/2015 United States 24 tornadoes 1 8 states
2/2015 United States Artic cold blasts/record low temperatures no stats Multi-millions
2/2015 Southeast Africa Floods no stats 250,000
3/2015 South America including Chile, Brazil, Argentina Floods no stats 1 million
3/2015 Latin America Floods no stats 250,000
3/2015 Vanatu, South Pacific Cyclone Pam 6000 250,000
4/2015 United States 40 tornadoes 3 Multi-millions
4/2015 United States Floods, severe storms, hail, blackouts no stats 30 million
4/2015 Sao Paulo, Brazil Severe ongoing drought no stats 10 million
4/2015 Haiti Floods no stats 50,000
4/2015 Chile Floods 140 100,000
4/2015 California, Oklahoma, Texas Severe ongoing drought no stats United States food supply affected
2015 West Africa Ebola epidemic 25,611 3 countries

Notice as of 2012, the powers that be took off all significant statistics on the Internet of deaths worldwide due to earth changes and instead use the terms 'affected' or 'impacted' and watered-down death tolls to ridiculously low numbers.

"Anyone who hears this song (Interuniversal / Interplanetary Child, click here to listen) and can make these negative judgments on TaliasVan, who wrote this song, does not know the Father nor the Son. Only a pure soul could write this song. They have already judged themselves. I pray for those souls that they will really come to know the Father and Christ Michael, my Father, then we can be brothers and sisters in eternity."

The Bright and Morning Star of Salvington

Global Community Communications Alliance