"It is a challenge to expand our minds, hearts, and spirits, but it is a challenge worth all of our commitment and dedication and loyalty. For we will be truly loving people, both thoughtful and practical in living a life that is reflective in some manner of divine pattern on the levels of thinking, feeling, and doing."
The University of Ascension Science & The Physics of Rebellion (the educational component of Global Community Communications Alliance) is the only source for the entire Fifth Epochal Revelation, which is still continuing to be transmitted through the Audio Fusion Material Complement: Van of Urantia.
The Urantia Book is the first 1/10th of the Fifth Epochal Revelation and provides the fulcrum by which the Continuing Fifth Epochal Revelation is written, also known as The Cosmic Family Volumes. These volumes apply the spiritual truths of The Urantia Book to the adjudication of the planet, the healing of the individual and the regathering of the cosmic family to be trained as Destiny Reservists in Divine Administration.
Pursue your spiritual studies from anywhere, anytime, and at the convenience of your own schedule.
We offer Home Study online spiritual courses to students around the world. You can view them below:

The Cosmic Family, Volume 1
An Introduction to Continuing Fifth Epochal Revelation, Ascension Science & The Physics of Rebellion
39 Lessons

The Cosmic Family, Volume 2
Ascension Physiology and Endocrinology in Relation to Quantum Sound Wave Physics
35 Lessons

The URANTIA Book, Facet 1
An Introduction to the Fifth Epochal Revelation
20 Lessons

The URANTIA Book, Facet 2
Divine Pattern Is Evolution on All Universe Levels of Reality
45 Lessons

This course is based off of the last third of The URANTIA Book studying the life and teachings of Jesus.
13 Courses with 3-10 lessons per course

Teachings on Healing From a Spiritual Perspective
This course is based on Teachings on Healing from a Spiritual Perspective by Van of Urantia and Niann Emerson Chase.
15 Lessons
The home study curriculum mirrors our on-campus classes, preparing students for when they can be residential students. Your work is reviewed by a faculty member of the University who provides personal feedback to you, so you can develop a relationship over time.
Our free primer on the Fifth & Continuing Fifth Epochal Revelation is a great place to start for those who are interested in pursuing spiritual studies through the UASPR Home Study program.

Complementary Reading for All Home Study Courses
The Divine New Order and the Dawn of the First Stage of Light and Life , Van of Urantia's autobiography that challenges the social, political, and spiritual status quo.
The story of the beginning of Divine Administration and Global Community Communications Alliance as well as the beginning of the regathering of the cosmic family and Van as an Audio Fusion Material Complement.
Remember that under the First Amendment individuals have the right of religious freedom to believe what they choose. You can disbelieve the author but give the author the courtesy of having his right to believe what his experience, his reality, and his God reveal to him.
The easiest book to read and the hardest to believe.
Teachings on Healing, From a Spiritual Perspective, a compilation of years of personal growth experience offering very real solutions for personal transformation and healing by Van of Urantia and Niánn Emerson Chase.
Written in lay terms with easier-to-read recipes for mind and body healing to prevent further disease. Can be read as a reference book throughout the years, addressing various illnesses.