"True spirituality is not the words that we speak, but it is how we live our lives."

The Mandate of the Bright and Morning Star
The Mandate of the Bright and Morning Star is a mandate given by the universe Creator Son, Christ Michael, through His firstborn son Gabriel of Salvington to a complementary pair unit, in this case Van of Urantia and Niánn Emerson Chase, who are Van of The Urantia Book and his complement Niánn, of the Caligastia One Hundred.

Stewards & Students of An Epochal Revelation
The community and culture of GCCA is founded on the teachings of the Fifth and Continuing Fifth Epochal Revelation (The URANTIA Book and The Cosmic Family Volumes) given to the planet by Celestial Overcontrol beginning in the 1930's and continuing to come through today. Epochal revelation has always been part of the spiritual progression of the earth (known as Urantia in the celestial realms) and its peoples. The Fourth Epochal Revelation was the bestowal and life of Jesus of Nazareth, known as Christ Michael in the celestial realms, the Creator Son of our local universe. The Fifth and Continuing Fifth Epochal Revelation is given now, when the world is globally connected, for an expanded understanding of the history and destiny of this world, of the ascension path for our souls, and of the cosmology of the Master Universe.

Building The Global Temple of Divine Administration
The Eldership is asking for donations from people of all religions to help in the building costs of this temple, known by several names:
- Global Communications Center
- The University of Ascension Science and The Physics of Rebellion
- The Temple of Zion
- Global Temple
This Global Temple will serve humanity with classrooms and a library of unique spiritual books of all religions, to train students of The University of Ascension Science and The Physics of Rebellion as administrators, human-rights ministers, and healers of the coming Divine New Order / first stage of light and life, and a global reminder of the soon-coming of the Promised One of all religions.

Van of Urantia's Resume
This chronology presents an overview of Van of Urantia's educational experience and personally meaningful ministry, a brief record of his U. S. human-rights advocates service to humanity for more than 40 years. During these years his service to churches, social service programs, spiritual ministries, and as a spiritual counselor provided him and his family room, board and necessities, without a salary. This continues to be true up to this present day.

A Union of Souls
Global Community Communications Alliance is composed of over 100 human-rights advocates and human-rights ministers who have left the system and dedicated their lives to the service of humanity. To learn more about what it means to be a Destiny Reservist Human-Rights Advocates and join in this work click the button below. We bid you come.

Adjudication of the Bright and Morning Star vs. Lucifer
The social, political and geological upheavals occurring around the world today, and the intensifying weather disasters, are cause and effect symptoms and warning signs of the adjudication of the Lucifer Rebellion by The Bright and Morning Star of Salvington, the first-born son of Jesus Christ Michael. The adjudication began in 1911 and is now greatly up-stepped in the tribulation period, a time of great upheaval prophesied throughout history and known to the Hopi and other indigenous tribes as the time of purification.

GCCA supporting local businesses and providing employment for individuals for over three decades
Global Community Communications Alliance Church and its affiliates embody the spirit and values of our local communities and are proud supporters of neighborhood needs in Santa Cruz County, Yavapai County, and Pima County, Arizona. By turning beliefs into action we provide jobs in almost every field including over 100 directly employed full-and-part-time nurses, CNA’s, construction workers, contractors, mechanics, engineers, farmers/gardeners, and landscapers to name a few. We play a vital role in building healthy communities by providing these jobs and supporting local business owners in critical services that contribute to the economic stability of our state.