Teaching Epochal Revelation: The Urantia Book and The Cosmic Family Volumes
Every Sunday 10:30 am - 2:00 pm
Open to the Public
You can leave any time you want. We understand your prior commitments. Please call first if you are interested in attending.
Teachings by The Mandate of the Bright and Morning Star:
Van of Urantia & Niánn Emerson Chase

$40 suggested donation for an individual, $70 suggested donation for a couple, but any donation is accepted.
Musical performances usually by Van of Urantia’s 40-voice Bright & Morning Star Choir & Orchestra or other musicians from the Global Change Music Non-Profit Record Label, heard on KVAN.FM or 91.7 FM in Tucson.
Childcare available, we ask $12/hour, or if you stay all 4 hours, we ask $35 for the 4 hours. If possible, please call us to make childcare arrangements.
Following the Teaching we offer by advance reservation:
- An Organic Lunch in the Temple Cafeteria - $12 per person
- After lunch a 1- hour EcoVillage Tour - $75 per person
(Please call (520) 603-9932 in advance to reserve your space for the luncheon or tour.)
If lost, please call (520) 603-9932
Located at 2042 Pendleton Drive, Rio Rico, AZ