You're tired of your job, and you're looking for your calling. You've been disappointed by the corporate systems of greed and are ready for a new start. You feel a relentless drive to participate in the active creation of a new paradigm culture that serves humanity. We were all there once too, then we found our sacred vocation, volunteering as a human-rights advocate for Global Community Communications Alliance.

How you can join as a full time member
We are seeking qualified persons to become active and dedicated participants of the vision unfolding here at Global Community Communications Alliance. This opportunity is only for highly dedicated individuals who feel a specific calling to work towards a global mission of bringing peace and unity to the planet. Qualified applicants have an innate sense that they are here not to make money or to participate in the predominant system of greed but to serve God and humanity by bringing into reality the more beautiful world we all know is possible.
In additional to full-time membership as a volunteer human-rights advocate for Global Community Communications Alliance we also offer a part-time volunteer opportunity as well as two education options:

Volunteer Opportunities
Please apply here if you desire to volunteer your time, talents, and abilities to some area of Global Community Communications Alliance.
University Course Study Enrollment
Enroll in courses to study the Fifth and Continuing Fifth Epochal Revelation. Students may study and live on-campus or enroll online in home study courses.

Vocational Education Programs
Our Vocational Education programs provide the resources and hands-on experiences for anyone seeking to be a more responsible global citizen and steward of the environment.
ApplySeeking Skills
GCCA is currently seeking volunteer human-rights advocates who are:
- Recording Engineers
- Sound Engineers
- Creative Designers
- Website & Database Designers
- I.T. Specialists
- Film Specialists, such as Cinematographers, Cameramen, Script Writers, Editors, Special Effects
- Architects
- Construction Workers
- Car & Heavy Machinery Mechanics
- Hospice Doctors, Nurses, CNAs, and Clerical Staff
- School Teachers
- Attorneys
- Massage Therapists
- Fundraisers & Grant Specialists
- Accountants & Bookkeepers
- Secretaries & Clerical Personnel
- Gardeners & Agricultural Workers
- Landscapers & Grounds Keepers
- Maintenance Personnel
- Publishing Specialists
Unselfishness is the badge of human greatness. The highest levels of self-realization are attained by worship and service. The happy and effective person is motivated, not by fear of wrongdoing, but by love of right doing.
Who we are
A volunteer for GCCA is a Human-Rights Advocate-in-training. A person who feels they are being called to Divine Headquarters / Divine Administration for a specific destiny to serve humanity in some extra-special way.
Learn More About Human-Rights AdvocatesWhere we came from
Every volunteer human-rights advocate at one point found themselves frustrated with the fallen system that entraps people and disables them from realizing their highest destinies. Some came well-experienced in a professional field and felt compelled to step out of the system completely in order to work for a greater good. Others came as humble students, ready and excited to flourish in an environment conducive to learning and serving—one that matches their innate talents and brings fulfillment to their deep desires to make a difference in the world.
Where we are going
Our regenerative community model is designed to supplant the existing social norms of competition and greed with cooperation and the united actualization of spiritual ideals. Our community has been aspirational, inspiring, pragmatic, and efficiently functional for more than 32 years. We offer a new lifestyle—one that can renew and adapt even in a world of extreme transition. One day in the near future this model of living will become the planetary standard with seven main sectors located around the world.
The Global Temple

What skills are you looking for in a volunteer human-rights advocate applicant?
All professional and trade skills are a plus. Our current members have devoted decades developing outreach programs, divisions and cottage industries to serve others and at the same time enhance our way of life while working outside the system. Each person participates in linking their experiential life with their spiritual devotion as ongoing life lessons grow the soul. The result is our members find soul satisfaction by contributing their skills to our nonprofit service organizations to pursue their passions while finding fulfilling sacred vocational work in healthy environments that stand in stark contrast to corporate America.
Some of the specific areas where we are currently seeking volunteer human-rights advocates are:
- Recording Engineers
- Sound Engineers
- Creative Designers
- Website & Database Designers
- I.T. Specialists
- Film Specialists, such as Cinematographers, Cameramen, Script Writers, Editors, Special Effects
- Architects
- Construction Workers
- Car & Heavy Machinery Mechanics
- Hospice Doctors, Nurses, CNAs, and Clerical Staff
- School Teachers
- Attorneys
- Massage Therapists
- Fundraisers & Grant Specialists
- Accountants & Bookkeepers
- Secretaries & Clerical Personnel
- Gardeners & Agricultural Workers
- Landscapers & Grounds Keepers
- Maintenance Personnel
- Publishing Specialists
What accommodations do you offer?
Room and board are provided on the EcoVillage campus at The University of Ascension Science & The Physics of Rebellion for committed volunteers and their families.
Entertainment and recreational opportunities include hiking the surrounding mountain ranges, community social events on the property, or enjoying internationally-acclaimed artists at an affiliated performance venue, The Sea of Glass—Center for the Arts, located in the bustling city of Tucson, which is also home to the Biosphere 2 and the University of Arizona.
Will I get paid?
Committed members are full-time human-rights advocates and reside on campus in the EcoVillage. The returns from our work, and many donations, are administrered by elders. Our expenses and the subsequent impact on the earth are reduced as our basic needs are generally covered by the community.
How do I know if this is right for me?
Our residential programs begin with short-term, Resident Visitor stay for you to experience life as a volunteer human-rights advocate in a thriving and dynamic culture. A selection committee considers fees for this visit, in which you are provided full room and board on a case-by-case basis. We are pioneers creating a new paradigm culture sharing a collective destiny to respond to a call for a larger world service. Individual destiny fulfillment is the fulcrum of realizing our greater community goals, and individuals in pursuit of a sacred vocation are provided with the resources and support necessary to come more fully into their destiny purpose and calling.
What makes your community successful?
The success of our community lies in the spiritual cohesion and education of all human-rights advocate volunteers. This enables us to work cooperatively and with dedication to our goals. Administratively we are organized under a hierarchy of eldership who provide wisdom and counsel, directing and prioritizing community resources to efficiently serve the common good. One of the foundational principles of our spirituality—unity without uniformity—reveals our recognition of humanity as one planetary family under the fatherhood of a Universal Father and our belief in the importance of individual expression and a personal relationship with God. Our ideal for personal destiny fulfillment celebrates coming together and working with a spirit of selflessness to become a beacon of light for the more subjugated and oppressed peoples of the world.
Okay, I'm in. How do I apply?
Click the button below to go our online application form and your submission will be reviewed by our admission staff. We will be sure to contact you as soon as we can! Because of the volume of interest please provide one week for us to get back to you. If you still don't hear from us, contact us again!
Apply NowI have a family and we're all looking for a community.
Great! Community living is an ideal way to raise children in a safe and wholesome environment supportive of their individual growth. Family housing can be provided and an on-site private school means you can know your kids are in good hands receiving a well-rounded education that includes hands-on vocational training and traditional studies. Of course, integrating into a community with your whole family requires more time and consideration than integrating on your own, so be sure to contact our office for information about requirements and with any questions specific to your situation.