This is what we do:
- Provide housing and rehabilitation for non-chronic homeless.
- Rehabilitation for drug addictions and alcoholics. This is done through residential living under Eldership authority and direction without institutionalization.
- Commentary videos for all aspects of social areas.
Divine Administration (a.k.a. Global Community Communications Alliance) is a training campus for Destiny Reservists from all over the world, who come to be trained to become Human-Rights Advocates, by providing housing, food, clothing, transportation, toiletries, and much more on sacred grounds with free education for those who cannot afford the tuition at The University of Ascension Science and The Physics of Rebellion by qualified spiritual professors under the administrative directives of the Mandate of the Bright and Morning Star, held by Van of Urantia and Niánn Emerson Chase and qualified Doctor of Education Len’Mana Lee, Ph.D., and other certified teachers, as well as Dr. Marayeh Cunningham, Ph.D. in psychology with over 40 years experience, and which includes also Minister Centria Lilly, international adoption agency experience in Korea, Thailand, Romania, Russia, Peru, China, and India, as well as Minister TiyiEndea DellErba, Administrative Consultant in Health Services and Recording Producer, as well as Graphics Consultant Artist.
This training also includes various sports programs, under the direction of Minister DaMaeAn Steinhardt, B.A. Duke University, and also includes media training under Minister Amadon DellErba, Director of Global Change Media and Minister Alten Hotz, former Executive VP of Marketing & Business Development at NBC Universal Networks.
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