Apply For Membership in The Divine Administration


For the true spiritual seeker, GCCA provides initiate training, guidance and immersion implemented by mandated elders.

The goal of this training is to become a human-rights advocate and a member and commit to a devoted life of selfless service to others and humanity based on the foundational knowledge of the Fifth and Continuing Fifth Epochal Revelation training. Full Divine Administration Membership requires taking vows and relinquishing all material possessions, finances, time, and talents towards the common goal of establishing Divine Administration through sustainable living practices and implementing concepts of the Fifth and Continuing Fifth Epochal Revelation training. The Divine Administration Membership, through the initiate preparation training, will be determined on the progress of the student and may take months or years.

"The purpose of all education should be to foster and further the supreme purpose of life, the development of a majestic and well-balanced personality."

— The Urantia Book

The University of Ascension Science and the Physics of Rebellion (UASPR) is the educational counterpart of Global Community Communications Alliance (GCCA) an IRS 501 ( c ) (3) tax exempt organization. UASPR fulfills educational purposes of GCCA through training, classes, and seminars in epochal revelation and Divine Administration training in support of humanitarian efforts in contributing to a more compassionate and sustainable civilization.

The University of Ascension Science and The Physics of Rebellion (UASPR) offers opportunities for on-campus and non-resident education and training. The heart and focus of our studies is to further spiritual progress and give wisdom a place in the temporal plane of living. Programs at the UASPR have touched thousands of lives for over 30 years and has been an instrument for accomplishing a world point of view in all departments of human thinking, feeling and doing. Our curriculum is inspired by prophets, intellects, poets, artists, scholars and savants. Our faculty apply their own gifts and talents to the sum of useful knowledge to impart this to the student. Being fully dedicated to the upliftment of the planet, UASPR invite all truth-seekers and those with sincere hearts of service to visit our campus and be introduced to this academy of higher learning.


This unique organization is for students who want to be outside the system. It is for higher spiritual seekers and students of higher consciousness, who study the Fifth Epochal Revelation. As opposed to studying just curriculum or concepts, the UASPR is a living workplace of life circumstances, outworked in everyday living here on campus, because there is more of a divine authority structure, through Eldership, than off-campus students will experience. So on-campus students would receive a different diploma than off-campus students. Each student's relationship to the Creator determines the student's unique destiny as it unfolds in God's perfect will.

Faculty Members

The purpose of the church shall be to bring about the realization of the Fatherhood of God and the sonship and daughtership and consequent brotherhood and sisterhood of all men and women, which is personally realized in loving ministry and social service within a sustainable society.

This purpose shall be implemented through the church objectives as follows:

  • to conduct worship services and carry out the sacerdotal functions of the church;
  • to establish, organize, and support a religious order of committed believers;
  • to implement Divine Administration on a human level;
  • to establish and support human-rights advocate training, classes, seminars, and educational programs for all ages locally and globally;
  • to disseminate epochal revelation;
  • to support humanitarian efforts contributing to a more compassionate and sustainable civilization;
  • to promote the unity of expanded spiritual consciousness and individual spiritual ascension through:
    • healthcare and healing for the soul, mind, and body;
    • publications, art, music, radio programs, film, television, and World Wide Web productions, theatrical performances, and other means of appropriate ministry outreach;
    • to expand the church ministry programs from time to time to further these purposes and objectives.

God's perfect will must be each person's goal, as well as an expanded understanding of the Creator's Master Universe. The laws within our universe can be understood through continued revelation. We all long for unity in a new millennium, the first stage of light and life on our planet, an order of cooperation and common understanding of God and the cosmology of the Master Universe.

We seek an expanded understanding of true spiritual leadership and hierarchy as represented in mortals on any particular planet, and an understanding that some souls are older than others and are better qualified for leadership of all of the people of the planet where interuniversal realities exist, such as on earth.

Global Community Communications Alliance mainly consists of Destiny Reservists from all over the world who are individuals who feel that they are being called by God to Planetary Divine Headquarters / Divine Administration for a specific destiny to accomplish in helping to serve humanity in some extra-special way.

The Book of Revelation calls these Destiny Reservists the 144,000 called-out ones.

Destiny Reservists are to be trained in various aspects of spiritual administration within the Machiventa Melchizedek government with the goal of becoming a mandated / ordained Human-Rights Advocate and Minister who will one day be a Human-Rights Minister of State within the Divine New Order that the Promised One will establish when He returns to this planet.

Mandated Human-Rights Advocates and Ministers even now, within our Divine Administration new millennium progressive community, do all the functions of an ordained Human-Rights Advocate and Minister-marry, baptize (the dedication of one's self to God), preside at funerals, teach, counsel, conduct services and classes, and so on. Destiny Reservists study revealed religion, or epochal revelation, which is The URANTIA Book (the first one-tenth of the Fifth Epochal Revelation) and The Cosmic Family volumes (the continuation of the Fifth Epochal Revelation).

Divine Administration is the only school on the planet that teaches these concepts. The school is called The University of Ascension Science And The Physics of Rebellion.

Children who are special souls are recognized early and given guidance and special education in relationship to their unique talents and gifts.

All Destiny Reservists live within Divine Administration grounds and work for the common good of all in cottage industries that include professionals of all kinds such as, skilled builders, mechanics, electricians, computer technicians, artists, musicians, animal husbandry caregivers, and gardeners to name a few. Divine Administration trains journeymen of all kinds.

If you feel that you are a potential Destiny Reservist, and you desire to join in this mission, we welcome you to apply

  • After completing the application process, a one-two week resident visitor stay is arranged.
  • Following a Resident Visitor stay, if you find that this way of life is in harmony with your deepest aspirations and you are resonant and interested to learn more about the spiritual teachings, a meeting with Admissions can be arranged to discuss the next step which is becoming an Initiate.
  • An Initiate program is a residential program of six months or longer that entails immersion training, room and board, and involvement in community activities, including spiritual classes. An initiate vow is taken at the start of this program, however, it is not a lifelong commitment and can be revoked at any time, as this program is designed to give a person an idea of what life in Divine Administration is without the requirement of permanent dedication.
  • Basic Requirements
    • If you are under 18, you must have the consent of your parents including written documentation showing this.
    • It is encouraged that all relationships with those close to you are settled, and your decision to become an initiate is in harmony with them, so that they will not be an obstacle to your training as a Destiny Reservist.
    • Your mental stability and physical health should be sound enough to not be an hindrance or a challenge for your training and for that of the community. A medical and blood check will be required for you to enter the program.
    • We ask that all initiates come here with no further financial obligations. As an Initiate, there is a tuition that covers room and board, immersion training, etc. It is sliding scale based on a person's income, which is an $18,000 - $36, 000 range for six months.
    • Initiates are asked to let go of personal possessions. As part of your training you will be requested to release items such as laptops, cellphones, etc. and to come into the community with the mindset of being a Human-Rights Advocate and serving the whole. These and other items can be used as barter items to go towards your tuition. If you are involved with work in the community that requires that you steward a laptop or cellphone, etc., these needs will be reviewed by the Admissions Board and supplied. All basic needs are met by the church, this includes bedding, toiletries, basic room décor, clothing items, etc.
    • Initiates (including members) are either in a committed/marital relationship or are single and celibate. We recognize Godly principles of behavior with each other. Initiates and visitors are required to refrain from initiating romantic relationships with members or other visitors or initiates of our community during their stay.
    • There is no travel during the Initiate period. This is in order to give you focused and realistic time to find healing nourishment in the spiritual teachings and practices of the community as well as providing undivided observation of the community's lifestyle. It is permissible for your relatives and friends to visit you during your initiate period. You can keep in contact with them and share your experiences with them by writing letters, or emails and calling them from time using available community resources.

After six months or longer of initiate immersion, the Admissions Board will meet to review your status within Divine Administration and decide with you if it is the right timing for membership vows.

Please fill out the application interest form below to begin the process.

Please upload a recent, close up portrait of yourself with eyes clearly visible. *
Global Community Communications Alliance