Weather Changes or Mind Changes?

Van <span style='
    color: #a1a1a1;
'>(in The Urantia Book, Lucifer Rebellion)</span><br>
Gabriel of Urantia <span style='
    color: #a1a1a1;
'>(author of many spiritual books dealing with Fifth Epochal Revelation)</span><br>
TaliasVan <span style='
    color: #a1a1a1;
'>(music career name)</span> image.
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So what just happened in Kentucky? Why did this apocalyptic tornado hit right there, instead of Hollywood or Washington D.C. or New York or Chicago? Could it possibly be that the narrow religious consciousness manifested that horrible tornado in that area and other tornados in nearby areas? Isn’t it written in Romans 8:29 (King James Version): “For whom He did foreknow, He also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren.”
     That tornado was a result of cause and effect of the lower consciousness, not a judgment from God. The tornados happened to hopefully wake up the people in those areas to realize that their Christian fundamentalism doesn’t really work. That they are not the only ones going to heaven. That they don’t have to continue the Crusades against the Moslems and everybody else, for that matter. That the fetus is not a soul. That they should possibly begin to look to a higher revelation of truth from Jesus Christ, Master, who they say they follow. That this revelation just might be The URANTIA Book and The Cosmic Family volumes, which millions of them never even heard of, also called the Fifth Epochal Revelation and Continuing Fifth Epochal Revelation. That their beloved Jesus might have just given that revelation to the planet to bring unity to all the Christian denominations, who fight with each other behind closed doors, and to the religions of the world, who also fight behind closed doors.
     Do you really think that Jesus came to this planet to die on the cross? No, He did not. He came to teach the Fatherhood of God and the brother/sisterhood of humankind. And yes, He allowed Himself to be crucified. God the Father does not go against the will of man or woman.
     The start of the sign of the Virgin in the sky giving birth to a Divine New Order, or what the Christians think of as the New Millennium, or is referred to by Urantia Book readers as the first stage of light and life, was on September 23, 2017, which was the beginning also of the tribulation. So, given that date, we are now in the fourth year of the tribulation or what the Hopis (and others) call the times of the purification.
     And look, I’m not talking about aliens coming to attack us, or the Anunnaki coming to take over humanity and that the Anunnaki created us, and that the Cosmic Federation might come and help us out on this troubled world.
     No, I believe it’s pretty simple. Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He was born in a manger. He was crucified by the very beings He created. He resurrected three days later, just like He said He was going to do. If we believe that, aren’t we “saved,” as long as we’re trying to perfect ourselves in the image of His Father, who The URANTIA Book calls the Universal Father? But according to those Christian fundamentalists in Kentucky, and all over the United States and world, we Urantia Book readers aren’t even saved. We aren’t “washed in the blood.”
     It’s so ridiculous that it’s not even a laughing matter any more. It’s so ludicrous, that it’s painful that we are so easily condemned to an eternal hell because we don’t have a particular doctrine of salvation, which is so far off from what Jesus really taught that it’s hard to watch those fundamentalist pastors teach on salvation in their narrow-minded views, which condemn most of the peoples of this planet to hell. Does fundamentalist Christianity want to start another Crusade? Or do we really want to start a Civil War here in America? Come on you Pastors, what are you doing?
     Yeah, I think that Hollywood is going to get it. I think that Las Vegas is going to get it. I think that New York, and Chicago, and a lot of American cities are going to get it. But I think what God is saying right now, with the apocalyptic tornado hitting Kentucky, is that the judgment first starts in the household of God. Isn’t that what the Good Book says? Why did those Baptist and Presbyterian and other churches in Mayfield crumble? That’s right Pastors, the true church is not the building, or any denomination. It’s the people, who love the Lord Christ. How come it took a tornado knocking down the church building to get any of you to say this simple truth in scriptures publicly?
     In 1 Peter 4:17-19 of the New Testament it says, “For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear? Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to Him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator.”
     The children that died and the pure-of-heart felt no pain, as their souls left the body before any demon of death struck them. Often children transcend this world very young, so that their parents or other relatives can stop and think of why this happened. The Lord is coming soon, and there’s a new kingdom coming. This one is passing away, and the Father wants us all to be together in the real one coming.
     But you fundamentalists also condemn others who are living like Jesus said to live—in community life, breaking bread together, and having all things in common—as being a cult. You misrepresent them, the very ones that are trying to do what Christ said they should do. Are you doing it? I guess Jesus was the first cult then. By your definition He definitely was.
     What does it take to wake up Americans? (listen to my song “Wake Up America” on Spotify So you’re going to build another church building and put all of your stupid doctrines back into the church again? Another tornado will just come along and knock it down again.
     The Great Commission that Jesus gave His apostles was to go into all the world and baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. That did not mean to go into all the world and to make them of Paul or of Peter, or of Andrew, or any other person, or city, country, or religion, or modern sect, like Baptists, or Pentecostals, or fundamentalists, or nondenominationalists, or Catholics. In the New Testament, 1 Corinthians 3:4 says:  “For while one saith, I am of Paul; and another, I am of Apollos; are ye not carnal?”
     The true meaning of being baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is just beginning to be known now in the pre-stage of light and life at Planetary Sacred Home, where outside the Global Temple, which is being built as I speak, will be a sign that has our motto:  “One God, One Planetary Family.” Or as the indigenous say, Mitakuye Oyason, “we are all related.”
     Having thousands of different Christian sects, which have thousands of doctrines within their individual sects, adds to the confusion that Earth has been in for 200,000 years since the Lucifer Rebellion. Fundamentalism doesn’t look good in any religion. The New Testament came along 2,000 years ago to show that the Old Testament needed some changes. And then the Quran came along. And then the Book of Mormon came along. And then The URANTIA Book came along. And then The Cosmic Family volumes came along.
     And everyone said “There is no new revelation beyond mine.” Like God went to sleep? When you go to sleep, that’s called being a fundamentalist, no matter what religion you’re in. You’re asleep at the wheel. And we live on a planet of accidents ready to happen because of being asleep at our own religious wheels.
     Now I can’t explain all these things I just said in detail. So go ahead and condemn me. With those that have spiritual eyes to see and spiritual ears to hear, they will understand exactly what I am saying—true spiritual eyes and true spiritual ears of love and understanding, not judgment. How possibly can I straighten out 2,000 years of manmade doctrine in one article? But I’ll put my butt on the line, because I hope some of you out there get the gist of what in God’s name I’m saying to you right now.
     When we say Merry Christmas to others this year, even though some of those fundamentalists think that we shouldn’t even celebrate Christmas because it’s a pagan holiday, remember this:  The URANTIA Book says Jesus was born actually on August 21st, so go ahead and celebrate that too. Or don’t celebrate anything. Or you can be the real Scrooge.
     But I’ll celebrate it, because when millions of people around the world celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ—who The URANTIA Book calls Jesus Christ Michael—and any season when people are more loving, and give gifts to each other, and say nice things about each other in cards and send them to other people, or greetings to one another saying Merry Christmas, I don’t have any problem celebrating December 25th or before that. Because when that’s over, people go back to being mean to each other and judgmental to each other and basically unkind to each other.
     You should have no problem with saying Merry Christmas to someone this year or any other year, or are you Scrooge?
     So as our Lord said, “Peace on Earth and good will to all men and women,” not just Christians. For we truly have a planet where it should be the slogan that I’m going to put outside of the Global Temple here in Rio Rico, Arizona:  “One God, One Planetary Family.” Could it really be anything else?

This article by Van of Urantia is also available as a video here:  Mind or Weather Changes? | The Witness: Tribulation Updates 3 | Van of Urantia

Van of Urantia

Van of Urantia is one of the most unique and distinct spiritual leaders and authors of our time. His work provides wisdom, cosmic absolutes, and answers to the questions of the seeking soul.

He is the co-founder of Global Community Communications Alliance, a multifaceted global change nonprofit, comprised of approximately 120 change agents from five continents. Van of Urantia also co-founded The University of Ascension Science & The Physics of Rebellion located on the campus in Rio Rico, AZ.

His lifelong devotion to God and service to humankind has led him through many levels of spiritual growth resulting in his founding innovative and highly successful programs for helping others to ascend spiritually so they can heal and prosper as ascending souls of God.

Learn more about Van of Urantia's musical career at or click here to follow him on Spotify.