What is "Father Circuitry"?

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Father Circuitry

     What does Father circuitry look like here on Urantia (Earth)? First and foremost, it is about doing everything you can to aid others to meet their God-given destiny. Note I said “God-given,” not “self-given” or “society-given.”
     The shared destiny of every human being on this world is to know who our First Father is, the First Source and Center, God, Jehovah, Allah, and so on. Here are some names that He is known by on higher worlds:  The Gift of Life, the Father of Fathers, The Divine Controller, The Infinite Upholder, The Universal Center, The All-powerful One, The Paradise Father, The Father of Lights, The First Creative Source and Divine Center. 
     Papers 1 through 5 (composed of approximately 51 pages) in The URANTIA Book focus exclusively on God the Father. The titles of these papers are: 1. “The Universal Father,” 2. “The Nature of God,” 3. “The Attributes of God,” 4. “God’s Relation to the Universe,” and 5. “God’s Relation to the Individual.” Note that these papers end with the focus of God’s relation to the individual.  
     Many evolutionary religions include the concept of the spirit of the divine within each of us. The URANTIA Book calls that spirit of God, that Fragment of the Father, the Thought Adjuster and sometimes the Mystery Monitor. Within our individual unique personality circuitry, which comes from the First Father, is His Fragment that works within our minds.
     Interestingly, there are also five papers (composed of approximately 58 pages) in The URANTIA Book devoted exclusively to the Thought Adjusters. In one of those papers it is stated:  “the devotion of the Adjuster to the individual is touchingly sublime, divinely Fatherlike.” What is Fatherlike devotion? What does Fatherlike love look like?
     When we view the human history of this planet called Urantia, we can see how certain groups of humans have evolved and progressed. We can see the rise and fall of many civilizations—some great and some not so great. But what dominates the rise and fall of civilizations is the pattern of conquering through force and violence. Over and over armies of fierce warrior-like men march into a land and take control. It continues to happen today, and over and over armies, and governments, and religions do it in the name of “right”, in the name of “progress”, in the name of “God”. 
     The personal histories of humans are also often stories of some other individual attempting to dominate another. How many women and children have been conquered through psychological and physical brutality by a man? How many hearts and minds of women and children have been taken over by a man through force? 
     Regardless of the rhetoric used in propaganda—which includes the patriotic talk of government leaders, the God talk of religious leaders, or the sweet talk of a boyfriend or husband—if men are not walking in Father circuitry they are not reflecting Fatherlike love or Fatherlike leadership.
     I look at the administration of policies and procedures of European and American governments throughout the past centuries in Asia, in Africa, in the Americas, and I grieve. I see how those same policies are being implemented today, just in different language and dress, and I experience frustration and at times rage. 
     I see very little divinely-led administration in spite of God language being thrown around. I see Lucifer administration in spite of Jesus language being thrown around. I see Christianity and Judaism and Islam and Hinduism and materialism, but I do not see as much Godliness and First Fatherliness as should be seen.
     Frankly, I am so tired of how words that were once beautiful and communicated truth, beauty, and goodness are now used to market a government’s or a religion’s or a corporation’s or an individual’s agenda of conquering another nation, another group of people, or another individual for profit, for power and control. Regardless of language and the hype, it is not in divine pattern; it is not of God, and it is not Jesusonian.

Being Jesusonian

     Jesus’ mission was to always point to the First Father, and through Jesus’ life and teachings that is what he did. The URANTIA Book states that all that is within the Universal Father’s divine pattern is love-motivated. Everything within divine administration policies and procedures is love-motivated—to bring about the ascension of individuals and the true progress of cultures and societies into the divine pattern of light and life. The only conquering and dominating that should be done is by each individual allowing the love and mercy of God to control our thoughts and actions.
The entire fourth section of The URANTIA Book is entitled “The Life and Teachings of Jesus” and is composed of 76 papers with approximately 754 pages. In our study of those papers we see how Jesus, the only perfected human being to ever live on this world, made the highest choices in each situation, being totally in agreement with his Fragment of the Father, reflecting divine pattern in every aspect of his life. His motives were pure, love-motivated.
     The word love has been cheapened, and most humans do not understand that there are varying levels of love—love expressed on the different psychic circles, from various degrees of ascension and understanding of cosmic and spiritual realities. Human love can be very selfish and possessive; divine love is something totally different. 
     In Paper 140, Section 5 of The URANTIA Book we are gifted with Jesus’ teaching on fatherly and brotherly love. He asked His apostles to ascend from brotherly to fatherly love, and I believe that is what Christ Michael is asking all of us aligned in Global Community Communications Alliance (Divine Administration) to do. Jesus taught that there are certain emotional attitudes, certain faith attitudes that are related with fatherly love. There are certain supreme reactions in fatherly love. I am not getting into what those faith attitudes and supreme reactions of fatherly love are in this particular teaching, but I suggest you prayerfully read through and reflect upon section previously referred to in The URANTIA Book.
     In my study of the Jesus papers (that comprise the last part of The URANTIA Book), I have come to realize that Jesus walked in the perfect balance that a human being can on this world of chaos and confusion. He was able to be balanced within what Continuing Fifth Epochal Revelation (found in The Cosmic Family volumes) calls the Father circuitry, the Mother circuitry, and the Son circuitry, all connected to the three Paradise deities—the Universal Father, the Eternal Son, and the Infinite Spirit. (I am not going to get into the intricacies of this threefold circuitry in this particular teaching.) 

Father Circuitry Again

     What would Father circuitry look like in human men today? As I have indicated before, it has nothing to do with what we see in most men in positions of worldly power, regardless of their fancy talk. Father circuitry means having the discernment to know when someone needs words of praise and encouragement and when they need admonishment and confrontation. It means knowing when to be gentle and when to be stern. It means knowing when to be big and when to be small.
     For more than thirty years I have observed with great interest various people’s reactions and responses to this Deo (Godly) power. Those who react are scared of this Father circuitry; they resent it, and some even hate it. Those who respond may be intimidated but are also open and interested in reaching for higher reality, wanting to see where they need to change to become better human beings. 
     Jesus said:  “My Father looks into the hearts of individuals and judges them by their inner longings and their sincere intentions.” (The URANTIA Book, Paper 140, Section 3) For those of us who might want to keep some things within us hidden, that is scary.
     The much-revered Sufi poet Hafiz was one of those saints sent by the Universal Father to bless truth-seekers—throughout the centuries into these contemporary times—with his realistic and humorous realizations of what it is like for us humans to experience a personal relationship with God the Beloved. It is so easy to appreciate and receive the sweet talk and gentleness of others, which is very much a reflection of the love of God, and Hafiz wrote many poems of that aspect of God’s great love. However, Hafiz also knew that fatherlike love also requires the other side of the coin, the awakening part, which is more uncomfortable and even at times painful.

Tired of Speaking Sweetly

Love wants to reach out and manhandle us,
Break all our teacup talk of God.

If you had the courage and
Could give the Beloved His choice, some nights,
He would just drag you around the room
By your hair,
Ripping from your grip all those toys in the world
That bring you no joy.

Love sometimes gets tired of speaking sweetly
And wants to rip to shreds
All your erroneous notions of truth

That make you fight within yourself, dear one,
And with others,

Causing the world to weep
On too many fine days.

God wants to manhandle us,
Lock us inside of a tiny room with Himself
And practice His dropkick.

The Beloved sometimes wants
To do us a great favor:
Hold us upside down
And shake all the nonsense out.

But when we hear
He is in such a “playful drunken mood”
Most everyone I know
Quickly packs their bags and hightails it
Out of town.

Niánn Emerson Chase

Niánn Emerson Chase co-founded Global Community Communications Alliance, a 120+ member intentional community located in southern Arizona. Niánn is the Director of the University of Ascension Science and the Physics of Rebellion, as well as serving on the Board of Elders. She is a counselor and a pastor.

Niánn is a spiritual leader, educator, activist, and a prolific author with many articles on culture, society, spirituality, and sustainability. Her spiritual-based philosophies and peace-motivated efforts have positively impacted countless individuals worldwide.

Her personal ideals and pursuits are to fuse revelatory spiritual teachings with the philosophical and spiritual truths from all cultures and religions into the classroom and into mainstream consciousness.

Niánn shares her visions and teachings to reveal a global outlook toward a future of world peace and harmony as one planetary family.

