Personal Transmissions with Van of Urantia

Level-Fifteen Audio Fusion Material Complement of The Bright and Morning Star of Nebadon

Personal Transmissions by Mail

In the case of an Office Transmission consider when you give your suggested donation, that a total of six hours of work has been done by at least three Elders (Van of Urantia, who transmits, and usually with him, Niánn Emerson Chase and perhaps another Elder or mandated assistant, as well as a transcriber/editor).

Personal Transmission by Mail ( not a private audience )

Suggested Minimum Donation $1,500

Postage charges are added based on where you live.

Free transmissions are given to human-rights advocates and those in religious orientations, serving God in some capacity, who do not receive pay.

Private Audience Transmissions

Private Teaching Audience with Van of Urantia; Niánn Emerson Chase; Dr. Marayeh Cunningham, Clinical Psychologist; and possibly other Elders and mandated human-rights ministers, if deemed necessary. There first will be a teaching and sharing by Van of Urantia and the Elders to help you understand their process and the importance of the First Planetary Sacred Home in relation to the state of our planet.

If either you or Van of Urantia decides during the audience not to have the transmission, only one-third of your suggested donation will be returned to you, as all the elders present have had to rearrange their schedules, and you would have received the benefit of their teachings. Because of the fusion process, during editing, sentences or words may be changed to be more concise, and more explicit information may be given that you did not hear at the first audio presentation.

Although you may desire a private audience transmission, we will not guarantee you receiving one. If chosen, the Deo power and auhter energy at this experience can help you realize that this reality is real, as you will hear and feel the power of the finaliter, Paladin.

Private teaching session (by a minimum of 3 Elders, possibly more, or other mandated human-rights ministers and/or significant others) usually lasts 2 hours. The transmission itself varies from 45 minutes to 1.5 hours. In addition, transcribing and second additional transmission information usually involves another 6 hours of office work.

Private Audience Transmission

Suggested Minimum Donation $2,500

Some understand the value of the information given before the transmission. Others come to treasure this priceless gift over time as they realize what is happening here at the First Planetary Sacred Home and who Van of Urantia is.

Caution! Since 1989 many false channels claim to give destiny purpose, past life, and point-of-origin information. Do not be deceived. May the Spirit of Truth be your guide.

A Message from Paladin, Chief of Finaliters

This transmission was written before recent earth changes occurred, the terrorist events of 9/11, and the U.S. war in Iraq.

"If this transmission is reaching you, it is because of several reasons, all of them having to do with the need for a higher understanding of the expediency necessary for the establishment of the Divine Administration on Urantia in and through the present Planetary Prince, Machiventa Melchizedek, using humans like yourself, who are needed to play a vital part. As you can see, your nation and your planet continue to experience increasing chaos. It is of the utmost importance that you be reached personally with certain information to enable you to more immediately discover your part in the unfoldment of the Divine Administration on this planet.

There are many ways that you may have heard about the work in Arizona. However you have heard, if this particular transmission has reached you, it is no coincidence. In the future, events in this country and worldwide will make it much more difficult for normal travel to take place. Much of what has to be done in terms of moving geographically, and mandating personalities to go to certain areas as teachers and administrators, must be done within a specific time period for individuals in certain present areas. This has to do with the type of divine protection allotted by Celestial Overcontrol to certain geographic locations (cities and rural areas) in accordance with the spiritual consciousness of those areas."

–Paladin, Chief of Finaliters, January 1994

Through a personal transmission you may learn your point of origin, complementary polarity information, your life destiny purpose, psychic circle attainment, genetic linkage, essential past-life information if applicable, and other pertinent information helpful for coming into alignment with divine pattern at the highest level possible. There are two options available: an Office Transmission by mail or a Private Audience Transmission with Van of Urantia representing the Mandate of the Bright and Morning Star.

Global Community Communications Alliance