Timeless Teachings of Spiritual Wisdom

A Podcast With Van of Urantia and Niánn Emerson Chase

The Vanetics Podcast
The founders of gcca alliance

Contemporary video teachings presented at the University of Ascension Science & the Physics of Rebellion, in Rio Rico, Arizona.


57: Someday I'd Like To Spend More Time With You In The Real World By Van/ Gabriel of Urantia / TaliasVan | Vanetics

Human-Rights Liaison Minister Centria Speaks at the end Full title of video: Someday I'd Like To Spend More Time With You In The Real World, Because Everything Is Constantly...

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56: The Change Point, Light And Life, And Suddenly's By Niánn Emerson Chase | Vanetics

The Change Point, Light And Life, And Suddenly's Vanetics Episode 56 With Niánn Emerson Chase....

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Global Community Communications Alliance